Up to Heaven (Prayer to set the scene)
As the deer pants for the water,
so my soul longs after You.You alone are my heart's desire,and I long to worship You.(Martin Nystrom)
Down to earth (To get thoughts going)On a dark stormy night when the waves rolled like mountains and not a star could be seen, a large passenger boat cautiously edged towards Cleveland harbour. The pilot knew that, in the inky darkness, he could only find the harbour channel by keeping two lower shore lights in line with the main beacon. "Are you sure this is Cleveland ?" asked the captain, seeing only one light from the lighthouse "Quite sure, sir," replied the pilot. "Where are the lower lights?" he asked. "Gone out, sir" was the reply. "Can we make the harbour?" "We must or we perish, sir!" With a strong hand and a brave heart, the old pilot turned the wheel. But alas! In the darkness he missed the channel, the boat crashed on the rocks, and the story says many lives were lost.
Looking Sideways (Complimentary Bible Reading - Matthew 5:13-16)
In this verses Jesus is suggesting that, as his followers, we need to be like seasoning, which we know gives flavour to recipes like coriander in lamb curry or nutmeg in rice pudding. When chefs say that seasoning brings out the best flavour in food, somehow fish and chips comes to mind, with salt and vinegar, of course! Sometimes people don't like seasoning, not at first.
When we are 'the salt of the earth' (verse 13) we are of value to God. So as we mix with other people we have an opportunity of bringing out the best in them by introducing them to Christ. Maybe not to start with...they may not like the salt and its effect!
Jesus also said, 'you are the light of the world' (verse 14) We may never know why the lower lights in the story above went out, but it was to prove disastrous. City lights at night can be seen for miles, but how we soon miss them as we enter the countryside.
Looking Forwards (Challenge for today)
How can we preach a sermon so loud in our lives that others could not ignore it? There are many salt cellars to choose from in the shops: wooden, plastic, glass, stainless steel or wood, all in a variety of colours and sizes. But why not take a leaf from the gritters in winter months who spread the salt widely and take the salt out of the shaker and Grit It! or as with the bright motorway maintenance lights which cover a vast area take the light from under the bowl and Shine It!
Homework (Oh Yes!)
Even though we want to glow for God, think in what ways we would hide our light and lose our saltiness: staying quiet when we should speak? going along with the majority? denying the light (Peter denies knowing Jesus in Matthew 26:69-75), letting things dim our light? (Matthew 19:21-22 tells of the rich young man's experience), or maybe we think we are shining!.. yet ignoring the needs of others (Matthew 12:9-14)
Rounding off ( Something to keep in mind this week)Let the lower lights be burning,Send a gleam across the wave;Some poor fainting, struggling seaman,You may rescue, you may save.
(Philip Paul Bliss)
Today's QuoteSt. Francis of Assisi said: Preach the Gospel at all Times, and when necessary use words.
From Marta's Vintage © 2008